Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Shoul Gays Be allowed to Marry essays

Shoul Gay's Be allowed to Marry essays Should Gays Be Allowed to Marry in the United States? The legalization of same sex marriages has become one of the most important domestic issues in the United States. Passed eight years ago and signed by President Clinton, The Defense of Marriage Act, defines marriage as the legal union between one man and one woman as husband and wife. Many people still believe that marriage can also be between two people of the same sex; however, more people are against same sex marriages for many reasons. The very first movement to open civil marriage to same sex couples was successful back in 1993 with the decision made by the Hawaii Supreme Court that would restrict same sex marriages, presuming them to be unconstitutional. The only way that the state would even consider marriage between two people of the same sex was if the state could demonstrate that it furthered a compelling state interest (Lute). Then in 1998, a similar court decision was made in Alaska declaring that marriage was defined between a man and a woman only (Lute). There are many other states that agree with these two states. For instance, back in 2000, the people of California backed a campaign that would ban gay marriages. As Alaska stated the people of California also believe that marriage should remain between a man and a woman (Jordan). Then in Minnesota the court ruled that same sex couples have no legal right to marry because they feel that marriage is a naturally heterosexual engagement, a union of a man and a woman, that involves the reproduction and nurturing of children (Hohengarten). The Bible also speaks on being fruitful. Kentucky also believes that no court or statutes of the state could refuse issuing a license to same sex couples, but rather by their own inability of entering into a marriage that defines that term marriage as above (Hohengarten). Here you see that the state of Kentucky may agree with same sex marriages, but in th...

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