Monday, December 23, 2019

Essay on Is There any Way to Reduce Domestic Violence

Domestic Violence can start for the same reasons a person deals with the after effects of domestic violence. If a person has low self-esteem they feel the need to take a higher position and be a bully in some way. Those that have low income may feel the need to blame it on someone else (Judd 2013). A person that felt like they were never smart enough in school has a need to feel like they are respected and by doing this they feel like they are smart because they can control someone (Judd 2013). Young ages are at risk to be abusers because at a young age you do what you are taught, therefore if they were taught by their parents to abuse then they will begin to show those characteristics as well. If a youth is showing signs of bad behavior†¦show more content†¦While women are most affected by domestic violence, Muslim-American communities are highest at risk. â€Å"Ten percent of muslin women are victims of domestic violence (including everything from hitting to incest) each year, another study suggests the number is closer to twenty percent† (Finigan 2011). This number doesn’t include verbal and mental abuse; therefore the percent should be significantly higher. The Muslim-American women are discouraged to report domestic abuse because of cultural difficulties. Since these women don’t report their abuse they are less likely to get help than any other culture. Some of these difficulties include language which is a problem when trying to communicate with law enforcement. This problem could cause the story to not be straight which would lead to the case never being given justice. Language barriers could cause confusion within the women, they may not understand our legal system and why their husband or boyfriend is being taken away from them. These women also fear deportation. If they go to law enforcement while they are an illegal alien they will not have a chance to receive justice, instead they will be shipped back to where they came from. In this culture as well as others the women may not think what is happening to them is really a problem. They were taught to be supportive of their husband and do exactly as he says to do. They may lookShow MoreRelatedPersonal Statement : Domestic Violence1159 Words   |  5 PagesRoberto Serrano Professor Mary Curran-Hackett English 101: English Composition November 11, 2014 Domestic Violence The first few years on a relationship, everything seems gold plated and perfect. Respecting, honoring significant others is a given, but unfortunately some feel the urge and need to claim their dominance over the relationship. 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