Thursday, January 9, 2020

Different Meanings And Values Of Poetry - 1385 Words

extensive. From linguistic point of view, to the usage and aspects of diverse meanings and values of poetry, the Oxford dictionary explanation opens up the wide field of interests. From Anciet Greek, poetry (πΠ¿ÃŽ ¹ÃŽ µÃâ€° (poieo) means  ´I create ´ or  ´I make ´. It is the creation of aesthetic qualities, mostly within rhythmic or metric sound, but still more popular free verse wording, too. The combination of poetic words express various ideas in diverse cultures. According to Webster dictionary, poetry is  ´ writing that formulates a concentrated imaginative awareness of experience in language chosen and arranged to create a specific emotional response through meaning, sound, and rhythm ´ (Webster, 2017). The Cambridge Dictionary illustrates the†¦show more content†¦The most important and chronologically the oldest feature of poetry is rhythm which was included in everyday life and working operations of every person, being the indivisible part of life. (Slobodnà ­k, 1976). In accordance to working rhythm, the thinker and a poet of 20th century, Christopher Caudwell, raises an awareness of organizing function of poetry including its accompanying feature, music and dance, for economic life of tribes. [...]Poetry is characteristically song, and song is characteristically something which, because of its rhythm, is sung in unison, is capable of being the expression of a collective emotion. This is one of the secrets of â€Å"heightened† language. [...]Thus poetry, combined with dance, ritual, and music, becomes the great switchboard of the instinctive energy of the tribe, directing it into trains of collective actions whose immediate causes or gratifications are not in the visual field and which are not automatically decided by instinct. (Caudwell, 1937, p.4) Caudwell calls attention to beginnings of poetry, music and dance to be the phenomenon more collective and synthetic (Slobodnà ­k, 1976). 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