Monday, December 23, 2019

Essay on Is There any Way to Reduce Domestic Violence

Domestic Violence can start for the same reasons a person deals with the after effects of domestic violence. If a person has low self-esteem they feel the need to take a higher position and be a bully in some way. Those that have low income may feel the need to blame it on someone else (Judd 2013). A person that felt like they were never smart enough in school has a need to feel like they are respected and by doing this they feel like they are smart because they can control someone (Judd 2013). Young ages are at risk to be abusers because at a young age you do what you are taught, therefore if they were taught by their parents to abuse then they will begin to show those characteristics as well. If a youth is showing signs of bad behavior†¦show more content†¦While women are most affected by domestic violence, Muslim-American communities are highest at risk. â€Å"Ten percent of muslin women are victims of domestic violence (including everything from hitting to incest) each year, another study suggests the number is closer to twenty percent† (Finigan 2011). This number doesn’t include verbal and mental abuse; therefore the percent should be significantly higher. The Muslim-American women are discouraged to report domestic abuse because of cultural difficulties. Since these women don’t report their abuse they are less likely to get help than any other culture. Some of these difficulties include language which is a problem when trying to communicate with law enforcement. This problem could cause the story to not be straight which would lead to the case never being given justice. Language barriers could cause confusion within the women, they may not understand our legal system and why their husband or boyfriend is being taken away from them. These women also fear deportation. If they go to law enforcement while they are an illegal alien they will not have a chance to receive justice, instead they will be shipped back to where they came from. In this culture as well as others the women may not think what is happening to them is really a problem. They were taught to be supportive of their husband and do exactly as he says to do. They may lookShow MoreRelatedPersonal Statement : Domestic Violence1159 Words   |  5 PagesRoberto Serrano Professor Mary Curran-Hackett English 101: English Composition November 11, 2014 Domestic Violence The first few years on a relationship, everything seems gold plated and perfect. Respecting, honoring significant others is a given, but unfortunately some feel the urge and need to claim their dominance over the relationship. Unexpected things would eventually start occurring, like physical assaults, diminished self-worth, and sometimes even child abuses are consequences of tryingRead MoreAn Urgent Issue in Our Society - Violence Against Women 1042 Words   |  5 PagesThe concept of violence might only represent a negative image. It refers to a set of radical human behaviors, for example, perpetrator would use physical force to hurt or kill people on purpose. Besides, the typology of violence in World Health Organization (WHO) has an explicit structure, which comprise physical, psychological, and sexual to families, partners, friends or strangers (). 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Michelle Collins (2012), notes that in order to understand the impact society has on domestic violence or vice versa, it is important to defineRead MoreViolence Is The Athletic Roots Of The United States Of America s Pastime1288 Words   |  6 PagesViolence in the NFL Football is the athletic roots of the United States of America’s pastime. It’s part of the culture and history of this nation. It helped shape the way Americans watch sports today. But in today’s world the game has changed. It is changing this nation, and these players, both on and off the field. Concussions, on the field, have become a major commodity, and it raises the question of if it is really worth the risks of what can become of head injuries. Off of the field, thereRead MoreThe Effects Of Domestic Violence On Women1654 Words   |  7 PagesIntroduction Violence against women has been recognised internationally by the world Health Organization (WHO, 2013).Women has been facing different types of violence since the age of 15 such as physical, emotional or verbal abuse. The highest prevalence of domestic violence (DV) is from their intimate partner/perpetrator both physical emotional (WHO, 2013). It has been depicted by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS, 2013) that rate of domestic violence against women by their intimateRead MoreWhat Are The Costs Of Domestic Violence?996 Words   |  4 PagesWhat are the costs of domestic violence? A United Nations report called â€Å"The Economic Costs of Violence Against Women: An Evaluation of the Literature† explores the economic impact on societies. The cost of domestic violence includes direct costs such as medical services, law enforcement, legal expenses, incarceration costs, mental health services, therapy, education and lost property. Social services, government programs and welfare add additional financial burden to the problem. Businesses experienceRead MoreOur Nation s Criminal Justice System934 Words   |  4 PagesNo matter the color of your skin, your sexual preference or even your gender everyone in some way is equal. Men and women have equal paying jobs, same sex marriage is legal and generally speaking both men and women have equal opportunities. But there are some things that aren’t equal when it comes to our Nations criminal justice system. Men and women commit acts of violence against each other. The way in which each particular situation is handled shouldn’t depend on the sex of the aggressor. 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Sunday, December 15, 2019

Portia the Control Freak †Merchant of Venice Free Essays

I would love to write a critical essay about the role of Portia in Shakespeare’s â€Å"Merchant of Venice,† hailing her as one of Shakespeare’s greatest contributions to the society of the sane; however, I find this impossible after re-reading the text. At first, I hung on her every word and was amazed at her wit, but later I found her to be just another Shakespearean psycho. Basically, I understood Portia to be nothing less than an obedient daughter obeying the whims of her dead, over-protective father. We will write a custom essay sample on Portia the Control Freak – Merchant of Venice or any similar topic only for you Order Now She speaks in terms of respect about the coffin ritual, and the reader believes her to be sincere. Later as her character s unfolded, the reader sees a wife in love with the husband who was wise enough to earn her love (and consequently her fortune! ). Beware, gentle reader! Do not fall under the spell of Portia the control freak! The following scenerios must be proof that this woman is not to be trusted! First of all, let’s evaluate the scene where Portia and Bassanio are before the caskets where Bassanio must make his choice. The dialogue directly preceeding the finding of the casket is basic lover’s speech, but wait! Listen carefully to what Portia says: â€Å"If you do love me, you will find me out† (III ii 41). Portia leads Bassanio to elieve that the choice he makes in the caskets is his own. She leads the reader to believe that Bassanio’s love for her is the only force which leads to the discovery of the correct casket. However, earlier when Portia is speaking of the preparations for the casket choice, she speaks of music which is to be played while Bassanio makes his choice. Ok, this seems innocent enough; but examine the song–the first two lines of the song rhyme with lead! It doesn’t take long for the subliminal message to be absorbed in Bassanio’s brain, and the lead casket is chosen. This manipulative device is an indication to me that Portia has a need to make things go her way. She is afraid that Bassanio will make the wrong choice, and therefore assists him. Point #2. Portia creates a way of controlling the future of the relationship between herself and Bassanio. Portia gives Bassanio a ring with the words, â€Å"I give you this ring, which when you part from, lose, or give away, / Let it presage the ruin of your love†. Of course, Bassanio gives away the ring first chance he gets. Portia later makes known that the man he gave the ring to was her, and she proceeds to scold Bassanio for his lack of love. Bassanio is trapped! No matter hat he does for the rest of their relationship, in his mind will remain the idea that Portia is watching! This is a clever device invented by Mr. Shakespeare; however, it does display a certain obsessive, manipulative air about Portia. Hmmmmm†¦. Lastly, I would like to take a venture. I was wondering earlier while reading the â€Å"Merchant of Venice† why Shakespeare used the doppel- ganger technique in his presentation of Nerissa and Portia. Nerissa follows Portia about and makes the same decisions Portia does. Nerissa is not as bright as Portia, and yet she meets the same ultimate fate as Portia. I am wondering if Shakespeare could have used Nerissa to point out the manipulative characteristics of Portia. It is true that one way that manipulative people feed is through weaker people who uphold them and their values. If anyone has any insight on this thought, let me know! Well, there you have it. My true feelings on Portia. Sure she is to be admired in some aspects, but perhaps as all great archetypes she has her foibles and faults. If anyone finds anything about the aforementioned aspects of Portia’s character, please let me know. I have had not luck finding Anything about Portia on the web. Thanks. How to cite Portia the Control Freak – Merchant of Venice, Essay examples

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Rowan Atkinson Essay Example For Students

Rowan Atkinson Essay Abstraction: This thesis focuses on the histrion, Rowan Atkinson and his accomplishments in his moving calling, most notably the situation comedies â€Å"Blackadder† and â€Å"Mr. Bean† , into which I will be supplying more in-depth analysis. The research for this thesis was carried out by traveling through legion articles about Rowan Atkinson, most of all Wikipedia articles. The information relevant to my demands for this article was so compiled and grouped up into several subdivisions, while seeking to maintain the chronological order when showing facts. The stuff used is sorted in the ‘References’ subdivision for easier entree. Cardinal Wordss:Rowan Atkinson, Richard Curtis, histrion, comedy, Blackadder, Mr. Bean, slapstick, celebrity, movie, moving calling. Table of contents: Introduction†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦3 Early Career – Acting and Performing†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 3 Blackadder ( 1983-89 ) †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.4 Mr. Bean – The Undying Legacy†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..5 Atkinson in Film†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.6 Personal Life and Conclusion†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 7 References†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ .7 IntroductionRowan Sebastian Atkinson, doubtless one of the most outstanding figures in modern-day English comedy, was born on January 6Thursday, 1955 in a little town of Consett in County Durham, England. His telecasting calling is about three decennaries long, and as stated by Nick Barratt ( 2007 ) , he comes from a successful working-class background, although the Atkinson household shows strong aspirations towards middle-class position. Rowan is the youngest of the four boies of Eric Atkinson and his married woman, Ella May ( nee Bainbridge ) . Rowan received a grade in Electrical Engineering at Newcastle University, and in 1975 a grade of Master of Science in Electrical Engineering at The Queen’s College, Oxford ( hypertext transfer protocol: //, par. 3-4 ) . Interestingly plenty, in his young person Rowan was troubled by a address hindrance. Talking to his friends and co-workers for drawn-out periods of clip left him fatigued and stress ed, as certain words were giving him problem. However, this all changed during his college old ages, when he found an involvement in moving. Early Career – Acting and Performing Atkinson took his first stairss in his executing calling during his M. Sc. surveies in Electrical Technology at The Queen’s College. In fact, it was these initial successes in moving, combined with his newfound involvement for it, that drove him to go through up a possible Ph.d. in this field. He foremost introduced himself to the general populace in the Oxford Revue at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe in 1976, and shortly afterwards he started entertaining in a figure of theatre nines. In 1979, Atkinson wrote and starred in the BBC’s â€Å"Not the Nine O’clock News† ( hypertext transfer protocol: // # awesm=~oEaM6iZXCifx6b, par. 4 ) . He co-wrote it with Richard Curtis, with whom Atkinson continued to compose and work on other undertakings which gained international celebrity. â€Å"Not the Nine O’clock News† was merely the beginning of his telecasting calling nevertheless. It aired from 1979 to 19 82, and what followed was, all modesty aside, piece de resistance which skyrocketed his moving calling in comedy – â€Å"Blackadder† . Blackadder ( 1983-89 ) Comprised of four series and several one-off installments ( independently released episodes ) , Blackadder is to this twenty-four hours one of the most celebrated situation comedies in the UK. It was written by Richard Curtis, Ben Elton and Rowan Atkinson. Aside from composing it, Atkinson besides starred as the rubric character, Edmund Blackadder, a cowardly and conniving timeserving Lord, farther back in line to the throne than he’d prefer, who would halt at nil to increase his ain luck and position. The Black Adder, as Edmund calls himself, is accompanied by his ‘henchmen’ : Baldrick, a slightly intelligent boy of a provincial, portrayed by Tony Robinson ; and Lord Percy Percy a simple Lord ( named Captain Darling in the 4th series ) , portrayed by Tim McInnerny. They reprise their functions in each subsequent series alongside Atkinson. Blackadder ran for six old ages, from 1983 to 1989, and the four series it had spawned are independent of each other, in that they are set in different clip periods. European art comics EssayAtkinson in Film Aside from â€Å"Bean: The Ultimate Disaster Movie† and â€Å"Mr. Bean’s Holiday† , Atkinson has had a lively calling in characteristic movie comedy. Some of his major movie achievements are: â€Å"Four Weddings and a Funeral† ( 1994 ) , written by his friend Richard Curtis ; he gave his voice to the red-billed hornbill Zazu in Walt Disney’s â€Å"Lion King† ( 1994 ) ; â€Å"Rat Race† ( 2001 ) – portion of an ensemble dramatis personae ; he played a scoundrel in â€Å"Scooby Doo† ( 2002 ) characteristic movie ; black comedy movie, â€Å"Keeping Mum† ( 2005 ) ; and a new character, in my sentiment possibly an effort to interrupt the clasp of Bean over him, Johnny English in the 2003 movie of the same name, and its subsequence â€Å"Johnny English Reborn† ( 2011 ) , which may non hold succeeded in interrupting Bean, but have surely been a success none the less. â€Å"Johnny English† is a spy-fi parody m ovie, and non the first clip for Atkinson to portray a undercover agent ( he had a minor back uping function in a 1983 Bond movie â€Å"Never Say Never Again† ) . Atkinson portrayed the character of a cockamamie ace undercover agent absolutely, even unleashing the â€Å"Bean† in the advancement, as the movies feature a batch of slapstick comedy. Personal Life and Conclusion ( Following is paraphrased from hypertext transfer protocol: // ) Atkinson has been married to a make-up creative person, Sunetra Sastry for 23 old ages, with whom he has two kids, a girl named Lily, who is besides an actress, and a boy named Benjamin. However, in February 2014, it was announced that Atkinson had filed for divorce, and he is now dating a much younger actress, Louise Ford. Atkinson has a immense passion for autos, and frequently indulges it with his huge wealth. He writes articles for a twosome of athleticss auto magazines, and he owns a McLaren F1, which was even involved in a auto accident. It’s worth observing that apart from world-wide celebrity, Atkinson has besides been knighted by Queen Elizabeth II, and holds the Grand Cross’ star of the Order of the British Empire. In decision, Rowan Atkinson leads a really challenging and eventful life style, aside from his calling as an histrion and his playing achievements. However, to state that the assumed character of Mr. Bean will outlast him isn’t that implausible. Regardless of where his actions take him, Rowan Atkinson may get down to melt from people’s memory, but Mr. Bean will everlastingly be remembered and cherished. Mentions: Charles Poladian, November 19 2012,Rowan Atkinson To Retire Mr. Beanhypertext transfer protocol: // Nick Barratt, 25 Aug 2007,Nick Barratt’s probe into our concealed histories. This hebdomad: Rowan Atkinsonhypertext transfer protocol: // Rowan Atkinson – Biographyhypertext transfer protocol: // # awesm=~oEaM6iZXCifx6b Sandra Brenan, Rovi,Rowan Atkinson: Biographyhypertext transfer protocol: // Wikipedia, Blackadderhypertext transfer protocol: // Wikipedia, Mr. Beanhypertext transfer protocol: // Wikipedia, Richard Curtishypertext transfer protocol: // Wikipedia, Rowan Atkinsonhypertext transfer protocol: // 1

Saturday, November 30, 2019

Toxic substances and Hazardous and Nuclear Waste Control Act of 1990 Essay Example

Toxic substances and Hazardous and Nuclear Waste Control Act of 1990 Paper Objective: The objective of this act is to keep an inventory of chemicals that are presently being imported manufactured or used, indicating among others, their existing and possible uses, test data, names of firms manufacturing or using them and such other information as may be considered relevant to the protection of health and the environment To monitor and regulate the importation, manufacture, processing, handling, storage, transportation, sale, distribution, use and disposal of chemical substances and mixtures that present unreasonable risk or injury to health or to the environment in accordance with national policies and international commitments To inform and educate the populace regarding the hazards and risks attendant to the manufacture, handling, storage, transportation, processing, distribution, use and disposal of toxic chemicals and other substances and mixtures and lastly; To prevent the entry, even in transit, as well as the keeping or storage and disposal of hazardous and nuclear wastes into the country for whatever purpose We will write a custom essay sample on Toxic substances and Hazardous and Nuclear Waste Control Act of 1990 specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Toxic substances and Hazardous and Nuclear Waste Control Act of 1990 specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Toxic substances and Hazardous and Nuclear Waste Control Act of 1990 specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Reaction: It’s good to know that our government have implemented this kind of act, it only shows that how our government is concern with us, because improper handling or improper storage of hazardous chemicals and throwing of nuclear wastes can cause bad health to us. It is also good because this act let us know what are we going to do with this kind of chemicals and wastes, it educate the people what are the hazards and risks in manufacturing this kind of wastes. Integration: As part of the jurisdiction of this article or republic act I’m going to help our government by following the rules and regulations under this law like the proper manufacturing of the nuclear and toxic waste before putting them on a storage or throwing them on the garbage bins I will be like an example to my fellow friends in our community, implementing this then letting them know what are the importance of this law, Learning: I’ve learned a lot like what is the importance of this law. RA 6969 is important or the ‘Toxic substances and Hazardous and Nuclear Waste Control Act of 1990’ because it let us inform or educate on what are we going to do with this kind of waste especially to nuclear, hazardous and toxic waste or substances like the proper manufacturing of the said waste and proper storage of it. I also learned the penalties and fines given to those who violate this act like being imprisoned for about 6 months to 6years.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Shoul Gays Be allowed to Marry essays

Shoul Gay's Be allowed to Marry essays Should Gays Be Allowed to Marry in the United States? The legalization of same sex marriages has become one of the most important domestic issues in the United States. Passed eight years ago and signed by President Clinton, The Defense of Marriage Act, defines marriage as the legal union between one man and one woman as husband and wife. Many people still believe that marriage can also be between two people of the same sex; however, more people are against same sex marriages for many reasons. The very first movement to open civil marriage to same sex couples was successful back in 1993 with the decision made by the Hawaii Supreme Court that would restrict same sex marriages, presuming them to be unconstitutional. The only way that the state would even consider marriage between two people of the same sex was if the state could demonstrate that it furthered a compelling state interest (Lute). Then in 1998, a similar court decision was made in Alaska declaring that marriage was defined between a man and a woman only (Lute). There are many other states that agree with these two states. For instance, back in 2000, the people of California backed a campaign that would ban gay marriages. As Alaska stated the people of California also believe that marriage should remain between a man and a woman (Jordan). Then in Minnesota the court ruled that same sex couples have no legal right to marry because they feel that marriage is a naturally heterosexual engagement, a union of a man and a woman, that involves the reproduction and nurturing of children (Hohengarten). The Bible also speaks on being fruitful. Kentucky also believes that no court or statutes of the state could refuse issuing a license to same sex couples, but rather by their own inability of entering into a marriage that defines that term marriage as above (Hohengarten). Here you see that the state of Kentucky may agree with same sex marriages, but in th...

Friday, November 22, 2019

Anaesthetic care

Anaesthetic care In the following text I the author will provide an account of the anaesthetic care given to a paediatric patient in my care during a surgical procedure to repair her cleft palate. I will discuss the rationale behind the chosen anaesthetic technique and will analyse why the method was identified as the most suitable backing the findings up with related literature. The text will explore the care given to the patient and the preparation needed to ensure a safe procedure starting from the pre-assessment visit right to the anaesthetic room looking at the roles of some of the multi disciplinary team members involved in the child’s care. An episode of care for any individual patient is a complex series of interactions that make up the process of care. The recipient of this anaesthetic care is an 8-month-old female, who, as patient confidentiality forbids the use of her real name (NMC 2002a) shall be known as Eve. Eve was born at 41 weeks gestation, during a routine prenatal scan at 23 weeks gestation an abnormality of her facial structure was noted, her parents were informed of this and counselling and advice was offered. The extent of the abnormality was not seen until Eve was born. She was born with a unilateral cleft lip and palate, which is were there is a single cleft of the lip, and the hard, and soft palate are also divided (Shprintzen and Bardach 1995) but was otherwise fit and well. In accordance to Watson et al 2001 clefts of the lip and palate may be isolated deformities or may be a part of a syndrome. Eve has not been diagnosed with a syndrome there for this is an isolated deformity. Watson (2001) suggests that non-syndromic clefts are multi-factorial in origin and could occur due to gene involvement, various environmental factors or embryo development in relation the mothers life choices during pregnancy i.e. excessive alcohol, drug abuse etc. Eve had previously undergone the first stage of the surgery, which was a repair to her cleft lip. This is done between the ages of two and four months within our trust. This is mainly due to cosmetic reasons but also to encourage oral feeding and sucking and to encourage the tissues to grow at the same rate as the child’s facial structure (Watson Et al, 2001). Eve was admitted to hospital the day prior to her surgery. Eve’s mother had requested this rather than attending pre-admission clinic as she had problems with transportation to the hospital. This highlights good communication (Department of Health, 2003) between the nursing staff and Eve’s mother, which is of benefit to both the child and the family’s needs (Clayton, 2000). The Department of Health (1989) states that the welfare of the child is paramount, however Smith and Daughtrey (2000) believe that it is also important to ensure that parental needs are also met. Wong (1999), states that good family centred care is considerate of all family members’ needs and not only the needs of the child. The initial assessment of Eve involved her primary nurse, Eve and her mother Joanne. The cleft palate pathway was used as assessment aid and highlighted any needs that Eve and her family had. The anaesthetist (Dr A) then examined Eve and was able to explain the procedure to Eve’s mother. This meeting with Dr A provided Eve’s mother with both verbal and written information therefore equipping the family with knowledge and support (Summerton, 1998).

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Grey Intelligence Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Grey Intelligence - Essay Example This has forced the government of the United States of America to use unconventional styles to counter terrorism. Intelligence had been converted into a private service. Private companies are playing a prominent role in the interrogation of prisoners besides sending intelligence signals1. It is now official that 70 per cent of United States budget on intelligence services goes to these private companies. The government of United States has heavily invested in paramilitary forces posing the question of reliability and the threat of leakage of government secrets. The concept of grey intelligence or privatization of intelligence has introduced the fears of conflict of interest between the private sector and intelligence agencies2. The United States senate encouraged the relationship between private sector and intelligence community three years after the September 2001 terrorist attack. The contractors outnumber the employees of United States government in Pakistan. The private companies are now involved in water boarding the war crimes detainees using the CIA facilities. The private intelligence companies seem to be allowed to use lethal force in some environments3. Questions have been raised over the use of the United States Special Forces in the paramilitary forces. Many people are increasingly viewing privatization of intelligence as a strategy to use force without an accountability framework. In the military terms, the term intelligence refers to the analytical product of private companies or intelligence agencies. The activities of these private companies are said to be reinforced by covert operations. The use of outsourced or privatized intelligence has spread the use of terrorists surveillance program (TSP). The program enables these companies to intercept electronic messages including phone calls. It is clear that the contractors are involved in water boarding the Al Qaeda detainees. The yielding of

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Poverty and population Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Poverty and population - Essay Example The results by the UN indicate that Africa is facing a boom in its population, which is almost quadrupling by the end of this century. The current fertility rate of African Women is at 4.7. The question arising is that if Africa is unable to feed a billion people, how then could it be in a position to feed four billion in future? This topic is important in the topic of global reproductive health since with increased population and poverty; access to high-quality hospital services may not be possible. As a result, childbearing women may suffer from various illnesses of the reproductive systems (Avery, 2014). Moreover, such impoverished women living in deplorable conditions suffer from various unwanted pregnancies, sexually transmitted infections, maternal disabilities and even deaths, gender-based violence and other problems that relate to the reproductive system and unhealthy sexual behaviors. Africa needs to adopt various strategies to deal with their increased population growth and poverty. They need to have better infrastructure, education system, and health care system. This is because there is emerging fears that the increasing boom of the population is likely to deplete what is left of the flora and the fauna of such African countries (Birdsall, Kelley, & Sinding, 2011). Thus, it is important for the various strategies to be in place to ensure that poverty is reduced in some of these high population countries. One of the main strategies of poverty reduction is investing in reproductive health of women, educating them and ensuring gender equality. This ensures poverty reduction in several ways. One of them is enabling women to bear fewer children thus contributing to an upward economic mobility. Due to this, they stimulate economic development in their countries. Secondly, women are able to negotiate their reproductive health decisions with their men (Ahlburg, Kelley, & Mason, 2009). This move ensures that women can be in a position

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Technology and Social Interaction Essay Example for Free

Technology and Social Interaction Essay Throughout the years technology has gotten more and more advanced. The better the technology the easier it is for people to stay connected with each other. There are so many ways to contact a person now. You can call/text, email, or even video chat. Social Interaction is getting much better in today’s world of technology. In the past 15 years, the Internet has transitioned from a medium that’s interacted with strictly though desktop computers in homes, offices and computer labs to one that a growing number of people take with them everywhere they go. Whether via laptops, ever-evolving mobile phone devices or through Internet-connected workstations in the office and at home, many are online all the time. (Margolis) The cell phone has really improved over the past few decades. It used to look like a giant brick, but now they seem to be getting smaller and smaller. Cell Phones can basically do anything such as call people, text message them, or even go on the Internet. It is very easy to get into contact with people these days because almost everyone has a cell phone. The Pew Research Center found that half of American teenagers — defined in the study as ages 12 through 17 — send 50 or more text messages a day and that one third send more than 100 a day (STOUT) They even have games on cell phones that people play against other people around the world. Computers have also improved drastically over the decades. Almost everyone has a computer or access to one, which means they most likely have an email account. Emails and instant messages are one of the best ways to stay connected with others. Peer networking sites and instant messaging brings people geographically removed from one another into each other’s lives more casually, making it a daily interactive stream (Margolis). Facebook is one of the most popular social networks on the Internet and keeps everyone in touch with everyone they know who are on that site. Social networking also allows people to share their daily lives and thoughts with one another through outbound messages and walls that signal all of their connections. Although some use social networking sites for limited communication, others spend large periods of their day communicating with contacts through computer and mobile social networking interfaces (Feigenbaum). Technology these days had really helped us have a social life without even being with them in person. Technology has led people to write more and talk less. The ubiquitous and cheap nature of email has made it the backbone of business communication. Emails have the advantage of being able to transmit information instantly to numerous recipients. With the increasing use of email-enabled phones and devices, people no longer have to be at their desks to communicate (Feigenbaum). People no longer have to wait for a letter to come in the mail, email is instantaneously. A great way to connect with people through technology theses days is video chatting, where you can talk to someone face to face over the computer or even cell phone. It is basically a phone call, but you get to actually see the person you are talking to. Video chatting is getting much more popular these days Facebook even added it to their site so everyone can do it. Also there is a website called chatroulette which is a site just for video chatting random people from across the world. With the proliferation of built-in cameras and microphones on computers and mobile devices, broadband connections and program refinements, an average of 300 million minutes of Skype video calls made daily globally, an increase of about 900 percent from 2007, according to data provided by the company. Many more calls are made using other popular software programs, like FaceTime and Google chat. (SCELFO) I believe living in this day and age is very easy to have a social life than it was years back when technology was less advanced. There are so many opportunities now to get into contact with someone. Basically everyone has a cell phone, computer, email account, and a way to video chat. It is so crazy how technology has improved and there will be much more in the future ahead.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Essay --

The world is going through great clinical developments in the field of medicine and treatment . Where researchers through their experiences they try to find an end to many diseases And one of the Successful approaches is using originate cells to treat diseases for example Parkinson's and diabetes. So we can say that treatment utilizing stem tissues came to remedy the problem of diseases that medicine could not handle. Even though drugs deal with many illnesses, there is continue to a lot of conditions that treatment could not handle. I really believe that stem cell therapy as an effective alternative for the management of incurable ailments but exactly what is stem tissue? ?and exactly where do they originate from ? ? Stem cells are unspecialized tissues that have two most important features that make them different from other cells in the human body. First, they can increase their numbers for too long periods by means of cell division. Second, every time a stem mobile phone divides to hundreds of originate cell , each and every new originate can separate during early on life of them, and become specialized cells like red blood flow cell , muscle mass cell, human brain cell , or nerve mobile. In this century, scientists started out research concerning how to use originate cells to treat incurable illnesses. As well as they extracting embryonic stem adult and cells originate cells to increase the number in scientific labs.. Scientists found ways to derive embryonic originate cells from early mouse embryos almost 31 years ago, in 1981. The comprehensive study in the biology of mouse stem cells generated the discovery. At a later time , in 1998, of a strategy to derive stem cells from human embryos a nd expand the cells in the lab. ... ... I believe all this information about stem cell treatment will really support scientist to accrue numerous diseases .additionally my inerview with Mr.Mohamad Farooq , I believe that stem mobile is very important and this will be useful later on .Also , he explained to me , that stem cell therapy is very expensive because it needs doctors and manpower .He add an additional point ,that they must make sure that the cells are healthy and ready to use. In general , he was highly agree about stem mobile therapy . To sum up , originate cells really are important for living organisms .Exclusively for treating illnesses such as diabetic issues, and cardiovascular disease. In my perspective , this way of treatment will truly help unwell people and offer them the opportunity to treat . lastly , I really wish in future to be more useful and anyone can treat with stem mobile.

Monday, November 11, 2019

African American Males and Disparity in the Justice System

Within our justice system there is a large disparity between the total number of African American males living within our society and living within our prison walls. African Americans males are often faced with overcoming environmental, economic and sociological inequalities while growing up as well as a lack of opportunity. Many of these issues may in fact lead to un-proportional numbers of African American males being incarcerated. In additional prejudicial behaviors by the judicial community may also be a factor in the disproportionate incarceration statistics.More resources should be allotted at the community level to provide for disadvantage minorities to succeed in life and avoid participating in criminal activities, as well as providing resources for education of those within the system to combat prejudice and effect change. According to the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) African Americans comprise nearly 1 million of the 2. 3 million incarc erated population and 1 in 6 black men have been incarcerated as of 2001. As can be seen these numbers are disproportionately higher then for their white counterparts.One of the main reasons stated by the NAACP as a causal factor for this disparity is related to inner city crime rates that are prompted by social and economic isolation. There is little opportunity for employment and high drop rates amongst inner city African American males. A study by the American Academy of Arts and Sciences indicates that employment for under educated African American males was approximately 25% while the incarceration number is around 40% showing that they are more likely to be incarcerated then employed.When prisoners are then released there is increase recidivism when there is no employment opportunities and the cycle repeats. In addition the family structure suffers as resources are decreased as family members are imprisoned. Studies have shown that children who parents are imprisoned are more likely to be victims or crime themselves, have little educational opportunity and frequently live in poverty, all which lead to increased propensity for criminal activity in the future.Lack of opportunity is forefront in the disparity between whites and African American levels of incarceration. The book The system in black and white: Exploring the Connections Between Race, Crime and Justice states that â€Å"Minority youths are often from neighborhoods plagued by poverty, high unemployment and underemployment, family dysfunction, low education, and crime. The minority youth is therefore, marginalized, and such marginalization engenders delinquent acts† (Jones-Brown, Markowitz, 2001. p172).By segregating minorities, primarily African Americans, into these areas without providing opportunity we perpetuate the problem by providing little to no opportunities for legitimate success. The authors indicate that the lack of access to social and economic opportunities and the attainmen t of socially desired symbols of success directly leads an individual to obtain those items by socially unacceptable means such as criminal activities. This general theme of the consequences of segregated communities is shared by Loury in his work Race, Incarceration and American Values.â€Å"Closed and bounded social structures-like racially homogenous urban ghettos-create contexts where ‘pathological’ and ‘dysfunctional’ cultural forms emerge, but these forms are neither intrinsic to the people caught in the structures nor independent of the behavior of the people who stand outside them†. (Loury, 2008. p 33. ) In this case the author is clearly pointing out that it is the situation that creates the criminal not any overt difference in the individuals themselves.There is no born propensity for criminal activity just a lack of social and environmental resources available to individuals living in these areas to allow for success based on achievement. These areas have developed as an ugly reminder of our one time overtly prejudicial society that deemed African Americans as inferior, lazy beings with little or no ability to learn. The path to participating in criminal activities for many African American adolescent males frequently lies in participation in gang activities.In an article entitled Poverty, Broken Homes, Violence: The Making of a Gang Member the authors state a strong correlation between the lack of opportunity and gang involvement. Risk factors include many that are prevalent in the before mentioned ghetto like areas such as â€Å"having gang members in the family already, histories of sexual or physical abuse, growing up in poverty, having access to weapons and drugs, and a lack of success in other areas of life, such as school† (Mueller, 2014).Gangs frequently form a surrogate family for adolescents in poverty stricken urban areas as well as providing a certain level of protection from other criminal element s. Another obstacle which African American males face is one of negatively differential treatment within the justice system. It is assumed that part of the reason for the disparity between whites and African Americans within the prison systems is related to the war on drugs. According to the NAACP African American are 12% of the population of drug users, 38% of those arrested and 59% of those convicted.These overwhelming numbers of convictions would lead us to believe that African American are committing more drug crimes yet the percentage of drug users is actually lower then their white counterparts. Sentences for African Americans convicted of drug crimes are almost equal to the amount of time that white males would spend in jail for violent crimes. According to author of the New Jim Crow this inequality in the justice system is a way to keep minorities from achievement while appearing to have put aside prejudice. It can be argued that our prison system in fact serves the purpose of a vehicle for social control.The long-term effects of conviction separate felons from the general population for life, excluding them from contributing effectively in mainstream society. Once they are released, they are often denied the right to vote, excluded from juries, and relegated to a racially segregated and subordinated existence. Through a web of laws, regulations, and informal rules, all of which are powerfully reinforced by social stigma, they are confined to the margins of mainstream society and denied access to the mainstream economy.They are legally denied the ability to obtain employment, housing, and public benefits—much as African Americans were once forced into a segregated, second-class citizenship in the Jim Crow era (Alexander, M. 2010). Another issues related to the disproportionate numbers of African American males within the prison system are related to previous acts. Again we must look to the lack of opportunity in youth as a leading cause for juve nile detainment. According to the Juvenile Justice information exchange socioeconomic class plays a role in detainment.In delinquency matters indigent children remain within the system because the courts are reluctant to release these children back to the environments they came from as opposed to children with means. â€Å"The child welfare system, public schools, and neighborhood police presence — are structured so that few meaningful distinctions can be made between poor children and those who present a true danger to the community† (Birkhead, 2012). The impact of early interactions with the justice system can negatively impact a person for life.As adults persons who are known within the criminal justice system are more likely to be convicted of crimes as well as facing harsher sentencing as repeat offenders. This practice may not appear prejudicial as it is appropriate to face harsher sentences for repeat offenders, but is prejudicial as to how the person became a r epeat offender in the first place. The above issues point to discrimination at a structural level not an individual one, but there are structural cases of discrimination that may support individual discrimination such at the Stop and Frisk law.This law allows officers to stop, question and physically frisk someone they deem suspicious. One of the main problematic issues of this practice is one of oversight; there are no governing rules as to what constitutes suspicion besides individual officers feelings. While this practice has led to some arrests, they are numerically insignificant and have been deemed unconstitutional but not illegal. According to the American Civil Liberties Union 85 percent of those stopped were found to have not committed a crime or have any contraband on their persons.The failure of this practice has far reaching implications as in it has served to foster feelings of mistrust between police officers and the minority population, specifically African American y ouths. Identifying issues and making changes to treatment of African American males, or any other minority, within the judicial system is a project undertaken by the Sentencing Project. They define Illegitimate or unwarranted racial disparity as the â€Å"dissimilar treatment of similarly situated people based on race† (201, p1. ).There goal is to acknowledge the effects of disparity building at each phase within the criminal justice system and it’s cumulative effects on an individual. They encourage communication within the system i. e. : law enforcement, lawyers, judges, prison personnel and parole workers to develop plans to reform individuals while working towards a systematic change. Through research they have addressed the need for cultural competency training within the judicial system and have made it a requirement. They also address issues pertainingto treatment of early delinquency, severity of crime as well as severity of sentencing. The Project allocates re sources for research into other sentencing alternatives that have demonstrated success over incarceration. In addition to looking at the treatment of individuals within the system they provide guidance to policy makers in regards to investments in communities. They support low-income areas in providing education and employment opportunities, access to health care, including mental health care, and substance abuse treatment.Through research the project has identified that un equal opportunities for access to resources negatively affects the low-income individuals and their families. Simply changing the criminal justice system itself will not singularly decrease the disparity between the numbers of African Americans incarcerated in comparison to their white counterparts. Change must begin in the communities. Outreach programs started as early as birth are necessary to effectively create change. One group who sees the need for this change and has answered the call is the Harlem’ s Children’s Zone.This group services approximately 17,000 children throughout the Metropolitan area. They begin with providing parenting classes, which outlines the need for proper nutrition and health care as well as courses on other parenting issues with a focus on the at risk child. They provide charter schools with longer school days as well as tutoring programs for those unable to attend. Resources are also available for crisis intervention, access to mental and physical health care, offering assistance in obtaining services such as food stamps, as well as assistance in forming community actions groups to combat crime and drugs.The group also provides afterschool programs including teen groups, fitness, educational, and classes on maintaining a healthy lifestyle, and access to community gardens. Although our society has made great strides in the area of equality, with more African Americans holding important positions, negative differential treatment persists. Poverty s tricken communities where there is little opportunity and the prevalence of gang activity increases the likelihood that African American youths will grow up to participate in criminal activities leading to incarceration.The first step towards change is understanding the need for increased resources in poverty stricken areas to provide access for at risk youths to community centers, hot meal programs, and safe afterschool venues. The second step is making these projects a reality. Although the government had earmarked 10 million dollars for neighborhoods to develop similar programs to the Harlem’s Children’s Center project it is not enough, resources must be provided by individual states, communities and persons to combat poverty and provide resources for children.In addition equality in how individuals are treated within the system must continue to be addressed by groups like the Sentencing Project. By early intervention and continued education and support we can move towards equality and diminish the numbers of African American males spending their lives within the criminal justice system. The long-term benefits of these actions will be felt by individuals as well as the community at large with decreased crime and access to the rich resource of an educated youth.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Blizzard the Century

Blizzards, the most dangerous of all winter storms are characterized by 20 degrees Fahrenheit and winds of at least 35 miles per hour. Along with low temperatures and wind, blizzards also bring in heavy snowfall (Blizzards, 1999). The second week of March 1993 is a significant date in the history of the Eastern United States because it is the day when it was struck by one of the most intense blizzards ever known. Record low pressures, wind speeds, low temperatures and snowfall amounts guaranteed that this storm would win the title â€Å"Storm of the Century† even while it lasted.Later, it came to be referred to as â€Å"Superstorm '93† or â€Å"The 1993 Superstorm† (Wendland, 1993). This was a highly devastative storm that killed over 250 people and resulted in the canceling of almost 25% of the United States flights for two days. It simultaneously affected the lives of 130,000,000 people in the United States. While it may not be the worst storm ever, it did affe ct a large area. On the Saffir-Simpson hurricane scale it would have been a category 3. The storm affected 26 states and 50% of the US population. Formation:From March 12th to the 15th, 1993, the blizzard of the century caused huge damage to the Easter United States. According to computerized information from the National Weather Service, an intense winter storm was beginning to form and grow significantly in the Gulf of Mexico. It was found that the storm was the outcome of three different atmospheric disturbances: a major cluster of thunderstorms in the Gulf of Mexico, a band of snow and rain from the Pacific, and gusty winds with light snow from the Arctic Circle (Sander and Conner, 2006). Weather forecasters described the phenomenon as a â€Å"disorganized area of low pressure†.As they observed it closely, they predicted that a terrible storm can bubble up from the Gulf of Mexico, if the low pressure area happens to meet colder air over the northern areas of the United St ates. This happened very soon. The low pressure area was met by an arctic high pressure system in the Midwestern Great Plains, brought into the mid-latitudes by an unusually steep southward jet stream. When the powerful high-pressure system entered the Great Plains through the unusually southward polar jet stream, the cold weather moved into the eastern part of the United States naturally.Because of this temperatures dropped to below freezing point of water and snow fall occurred. A cyclonic low pressure system that happened to be spinning directly to the south of Nova Scotia added to the low temperatures and snowfall and this set the stage for the truly fearsome storm. By Thursday, March 12th, the storm became very perceptible on the Florida coast due to its high winds, tornadoes and a storm surge twelve feet above normal. The next day, the storm moved across the southeastern states, leaving destruction and total chaos all along its path and paralyzing Eastern Kentucky (Sander and Conner, 2006).Description: The storm caused wide and varied effect across the nations. There were thunderstorms in Texas. Usually, Texas has only rain and not much snow. The blizzard of 1993 brought to Texas in March, a lot of snow fall. In the state of Florida the barometric pressure dropped to record lows, and as the thunderstorms swept across the state, eleven tornadoes claimed seven lives. A mild snowfall began over upstate New York and New England between 6:00 and 7:00 am Saturday, March 13. This increased in intensity and soon the blizzard raced through the Mid Atlantic states.Snowflakes the size of a person’s fist was reported for a time with the passage of one of the thunder snow bands at Bridgeport, CT (UCAR, 2006). Due to the combination of heavy snow and high winds, there was zero visibility at most places. New York and the six New England States all declared disaster emergencies during the height of the storm. Most of the major roads were closed to travel and thes e included the Northway, I-88, Thruway, and Massachusetts turnpike. Secondary roads were already blocked by snow.Almost all airports were shut down. Snow piled up to record levels for many cities in the Northeast (UCAR, 2006). Impact of the Blizzard: The blizzard of 1993 was one that broke many records in the history of Kentucky, through the amount of snowfall and size. The travel department was the most affected and over 4,000 motorists were stranded. To cope with this crisis situation, emergency shelters were set up over much of Eastern Kentucky. High school gyms and public facilities were opened up for stranded people to sleep in.The National Guard was brought in for their services in order to clear roads, and to open twenty armories as additional shelters for motorists. There needed to be immediate disaster relief. Public Works met this challenge by plowing and removing snow, salting streets and checking for icy conditions (PPW, 2006). Crews worked around the clock to restore sa fe driving conditions, and Pittsburgh streets quickly returned to normal (PPW, 2006). Record low temperatures were predominant in the land area stretching from the Gulf Coast to Maine. Every major airport along the east coast was forced to close.Homes also fell into the sea or received damage by wind or waves on the west coast of Florida, along the outer banks of North Carolina, and on Long Island. Fallen tree limbs and power lines left 3 million people along the storm’s path in the dark (Sherman, 2006). The blizzard caused dramatic weather changes in many places such as Birmingham, Alabama, Atlanta, Georgia, and Chattanooga, Tennessee which were buried by paralyzing snows and frozen by unseasonable cold. The severe cold following the storm preserved much of the snow, prolonging travel nightmares for a couple days over the south where most roads were never plowed.The combined effects of high wind and heavy wet snow downed thousands of miles of power lines leaving millions of people in the dark for up to a week in some cases over the south. Tornadoes struck Tennessee and Ohio valleys, as well as the Appalachians on Friday night March 12 (UCAR, 2006). The tornadoes along with highly powerful straight line winds from the parent severe thunderstorms, and the massive storm surge along the west coast, inflicted millions of dollars in property damage. During the peak of the storm, roughly 1/3 of the country was simultaneously being affected by harsh winter weather.Insurance claims from Texas to Maine tallied damage estimates in the billions of dollars. The toll in human life was extensive. Approximately 285 fatalities nationwide can be directly attributed to the storm. The psychological impact in the Southern states, where average high temperatures in March tend to run into the 60s Fahrenheit, was magnified by the fact that it struck a week before spring. A NASCAR event at Atlanta Motor Speedway had to be postponed a week due to the storm. Many factory roofs c ollapsed due to weight of the snow.Snowdrifts on the leeward sides of buildings resulted in the falling of poorly anchored decks in houses. Many people had to be rescued from the Appalachians and many of them were on the Appalachian trail, or visiting cabins and lodges in remote locales. Boone, North Carolina was surprised by 24 hours of sub zero temperatures along with storm winds, which gusted as high as 110 miles per hour. Electricity was not restored to many isolated rural areas for a week or more. Farther to the South, numerous super cells developed over the state of Florida, leading tornadoes and lightning strikes. Impact Data:This blizzard was the largest in terms of the area it affected. More than half of the country's population in twenty-six different states was affected by the blizzard of 1993. 44 deaths in Florida were attributed either to the tornadoes or other severe weather (Lott, 1993). During the storm, school activities and government services in 30 counties were a ffected. In fact 73 out of Kentucky's 120 counties were found to be eligible for reimbursement for the cost of emergency snow removal. The massive March 1993 blizzard killed five people in Kentucky and over 270 people nationwide (Lott, 1993).The damage costs exceeded 1. 6 billion dollars. Hence, the blizzard of 1993 became the fourth costliest storm in U. S. history. At least 18 homes fell into the sea on Long Island due to the pounding surf. About 200 homes along North Carolina's Outer Banks were damaged and may be uninhabitable. Over 160 people were rescued at sea by the Coast Guard in the Gulf of Mexico and Atlantic. At least 1 freighter sank in the Gulf of Mexico (Lott, 1993). Scientific Data: The storm stretched from Canada to Central America. But the main impact was felt in the Eastern United States and Cuba.Areas as far south as Atlanta, Georgia received 5 to 50 inches (13 to 130 cm) of snow, accompanied by hurricane-force wind gusts and record low barometric pressures. Prior to the storm, the record for a single day's snowfall had been 18 inches in Kentucky. This snowfall covered most of Eastern and Southeastern Kentucky with about 30 inches of snow. London, Kentucky measured a depth of 22 inches, while Jackson and Closplint both had 20 inches of snow on the ground. The maximum snowfall was measured at Perry County – 30 inches.Powerful winds raged across Kentucky blocking any kind of relief effort put up by people. Winds up to 43 miles per hour were recorded in Pike Co. , and a 30-mph clip blew over much of the state. The heavy snows, coupled with high winds created large snow drifts – 8-10 feet in many places such as Pikeville and London – over roads and highways. I-75 from Lexington to the Tennessee border was shut down for two days, as was I-64 from Lexington eastward. All state and federal highways south of I-64 and east of I-75 were also closed.The maximum snow depth recorded from the blizzard was 56 inches on Mt. Leconte in T ennessee. Millions of people woke up to snowfalls as deep and frequently deeper than 3 feet (1 meter), and in places high winds had heaped drifts to depths of 30 feet (9. 5 meters). It was later measured that the snowfall put down by the storm was nearly 12. 91 cubic miles (53. 96 cubic kilometers). As the storm moved northward, it became stronger and stronger and caused severe drops in pressure. The barometric pressure in parts of New England dropped to record low levels – 28. 35 inches Hg (960 mb).Such low reading is usually seen only in the centers of extraordinarily strong hurricanes. Across may parts of New England, temperatures on the worst blizzard day (March 13, 1993) failed to exceed 14 °F (-10 °C), which was a unusual phenomenon in this region. Birmingham recorded a record low of 2 degrees Fahrenheit during the storm. Fifteen tornadoes in Florida killed 44 while 6 inches of snow fell on the Florida Panhandle. Mount LeConte in Tennessee received 56 inches of snow . 43 inches fell at Syracuse, NY, 27 in Albany, NY, 20 inches at Chattanooga, TN, 16 in Roanoke, VA.Winds over 100 were reported on the Dry Tortugas (west of Key West, FL), in North Carolina on Flattop Mountain while winds over hurricane force were reported from Louisiana and Florida to New York and New England (Sherman, 2006). The storm also set records for snowfall in places such as Birmingham, Alabama, where 33 centimeters fell, and Cooperstown, New York, which had 71 centimeters. Powerful winds that were stronger than many hurricane forces smashed the gulf coast, Appalachians, and eastern seaboard. Equipment on oil drilling platforms off the Louisiana coast measured the wind power as close to 99 mph on Friday evening, March 12.Winds estimated up to120 mph blasted the Florida west coast early Saturday, March 13, producing a six to ten foot storm surge. Winds up to 100 mph were measured over the mountains of North Carolina Saturday afternoon, March 13. And, 81 mph winds measured a t Boston's Logan International airport Saturday evening, March 13, closed the facility and aided in the shut down of the city. Snowfall Records: The incredible data can be summarized as follows (UCAR, 2006): †¢ 35. 6 inches of snow in twenty four hours (10am Saturday – 10am Sunday. ) The previous record was 27. 2 inches set in January 1925.†¢ 22. 1 inches of snow on Saturday, March 13, breaking the old snowfall record for that date which was 4. 1 inches set in 1961. †¢ 19. 9 inches of snow on Sunday, March 14, breaking the old snowfall record for that date which was 8. 6 inches set in 1956. †¢ Seasonal snowfall by March 14 measured 174. 8 inches making the 1992-'93 season the snowiest on record, breaking the old record of 166. 9 inches set in the winter of 1991-'92 †¢ March snowfall totaled 49. 3 inches as of March 14 making March 1993 the snowiest on record at Syracuse breaking the old record of 41.4 inches set in 1932. Thunderstorms and Lightning: O n Saturday morning, March 13, 1993, people in the Eastern United States heard the raging sound of strong wind and the crashing sounds of thunder. They could see flashes of light amidst heavy blowing snow. They were perplexed. How could there be thunder and lightning in the middle of a blizzard. Although it is an unusual occurrence, thunderstorms can accompany a snowstorm. This weather phenomenon is known as thundersnow. Snow falls are produced when warm rising moist air meets too cold air close to the earth’s surface.Most snowstorms do not produce thunder and lightning because the dynamics in the atmosphere are not unstable enough to create this interesting phenomenon. Only an extremely powerful winter storm system, if accompanied by intensely cold air in the upper regions of the troposphere, can produce thundersnow. The blizzard of 1993 also produced an unusually large number of lightning flashes – up to 5000 an hour. Richard Orville, of Texas A & M University, has st udied this blizzard lightning (Orville, 1993)), examining data from a network of magnetic direction finders.These devices were used to record the characteristics of lightning flashes from cloud to ground across the US. Each of the flashes recorded in Orville's survey was reported by at least two direction finders within 600 kilometers of the flash. At this range, the detectors can distinguish between flashes carrying negative charge downwards, which accounts for most of them, and those carrying positive charge downwards which produce the remaining 13 per cent. There was maximum lightning near Florida, probably because of the warmth of the waters of the Gulf Stream.Overall, the storm produced 59 000 cloud-to-ground flashes, with a peak of 5100 flashes an hour and a maximum density of strikes of 0. 16 per square kilometer just south of Tampa, Florida. Orville in the New Scientist, dated 11 September 1993 said: â€Å"The reasons for the high flash rates [and] the apparent rapid cessat ion of cloud-to-ground lightning as the storm propagated north of the Carolinas is still to be determined. † Subtropical Derecho: In addition to the blizzard, a serial derecho occurred in the U. S. state of Florida on March 12 and 13, 1993.The derecho moved into Florida and Cuba around midnight on March 13 and moved out of Cuba just before sunrise. During its stay, the derecho resulted in ten tornadoes one of which killed three people when it struck a home. In Cuba wind gusts ranged between 100 to 130 mph according to a research team from the Institute of Meteorology of Cuba. The derecho resulted in 10 deaths in Cuba and caused US$1 billion in damage in Cuba alone (Wikipedia, 2006). The Human Angle: Media reporting on the Blizzard of 1993 have helped to keep the memories of that historical day alive.â€Å"†¦ The Blizzard of '93 is about to commence †¦ All preparations should have been made †¦ I wonder what the forecaster who sat here 105 years ago today [was th inking]. † – Warren Snyder, Senior Forecaster for the National Weather Service Office in Albany, New York typed these words in his early morning state forecast discussion on March 13, 1993 (Smith, 2006). Eric Thomas on WBTV-Charlotte declared that â€Å"†¦ this may not be just the storm of the century†¦ but the strongest storm in the history of mankind.† The New York Times reported: â€Å"The Blizzard of 1993 became a blizzard in the metropolitan region during a three-hour stretch at midday yesterday when visibility dropped below a quarter of a mile from falling and blowing snow and winds blew at least 35 miles an hour† (NYT, 1993) Apart from media reporting, citizens have also shared their experiences on that historic day. Emily Flowers remembers marching in the St. Patrick's parade of 1993 with the Brashear High School marching band. She recollects that there was really no one to witness the parade and the marchers were covered in snow by parad e's end.She was then stuck up at her boyfriend’s house for three days. Terry Griffith recollects that on that stormy day, â€Å"the busses and streetcars stopped running. The taxi cabs stopped service. The parkway and all ways out of the city were closed. All the hotels were booked and if you were still downtown by 4 pm you were really stuck† (Griffith, 2006). Conclusion: The Blizzard of 1993 was truly the Storm of the Century in terms of its intensity, area covered and record snowfalls. Such natural disasters as the blizzard of 1993 awaken man to his own vulnerability in the face of nature’s immense powers.These disasters also enable the growth of science and help in bringing mankind together to study, understand and learn coping strategies for the future. Bibliography: Lott, Neal (1993). The Big One! A Review of the March 12-14, 1993 â€Å"Storm of the Century†. National Climatic Data Center: Research Customer Service Group. May 14, 1993. ftp://ftp. ncd c. noaa. gov/pub/data/techrpts/tr9301/tr9301. pdf PPW (2006). Blizzard of 1993. Pittsburgh Public Works. http://www. city. pittsburgh. pa. us/pw/html/blizzard_of_1993. html Griffith, Terry (2006). The Pittsburgh St.Patrick's Day Parade remembers the blizzard of 1993. http://www. pittsburghirish. org/parade/Blizzard/index. htm. Orville, E. Richard (1993). Cloud-to-ground lightening in the blizzard of 1993. Geophysical Research Letters, Volume 20, Issue 13, p. 1367-1370. http://adsabs. harvard. edu/abs/1993GeoRL.. 20. 1367O Sander, David and Conner, Glen (2006). Fact Sheet: Blizzard of 1993. http://kyclim. wku. edu/factSheets/blizzard. htm Wendland, Wayne. Weather and Climate Impacts in the Midwest. March 1993: Midwestern Climate Center. Vol. III, No. 4. â€Å"Blizzards†. http://www. html. (October 21, 1999). Sherman (2006). Storm of the Century. http://snrs. unl. edu/amet498/sherman/blizzard93. html UCAR (2006). The Bl izzard of 93. http://eo. ucar. edu/webweather/blizzardstory. html NYT (1993). THE BLIZZARD OF '93; It Was, Indeed, Blizzard of '93. http://query. nytimes. com/gst/fullpage. html? res=9F0CE3D81F39F937A25750C0A965958260 Smith, Tony (2006). Storm of the Century. http://www. valdostamuseum. org/hamsmith/thunderflood. html#blizzard Wikipedia (2006). 1993 North American Storm Complex. http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/The

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Lets Roll! essays

Lets Roll! essays The book Lets Roll is centered on the author Lisa Beamer and her husband, Todd Beamer and his heroic experience on September 11, 2001. It is about his life before the plane crashed in Pennsylvania, and how he helped to prevent the plane from reaching its intended target, and how his wife handled her life after his death. It also describes Lisa and Todds childhood, religious beliefs, dating and marriage years, and the beginning of their family. The book s title, Lets Roll, is now an important part of our English language since the 9-11 crash. The words, Lets Roll, have become America's favorite, slogan. They were used by President Bush to dispatch his bombers to the mountains and deserts of Afghanistan, but these words go further than that. For they are also the words that closed a remarkable conversation on September 11, 2001 between a man named Todd Beamer and Lisa Jefferson, a telephone switchboard operator. The words are: 'Let's Roll'. On the morning of September 11, Todd Beamer thought it was an ordinary day, but this would be the last day of his life. Todd Beamer, 32, talked for about 13 minutes with the GTE operator, Lisa Jefferson, Tuesday morning, on September 11. Todd contacted Lisa after an announcement, probably from one of the hijackers, was made over the PA system after having flipped the wrong switch, There is a bomb on board, we are meeting their demands, and we are heading back to the airport. Todd contacted Lisa from the hijacked Flight of United Airlines 93, which was supposed to have landed in San Francisco. It crashed, instead, into a rural area 60 miles from Pittsburgh. As it headed toward Washington, D.C., and the passengers all listened to its progress, even as we watched the World Trade Center's towers ablaze, several passengers on that flight were in contact with loved ones, through their cell phones. That's how they found out they were NOT probably...

Monday, November 4, 2019

MGMT3010 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

MGMT3010 - Essay Example The last tier makes sure that the policies which are in practice are kept in such a manner that these benefit the organization in entirety. The four tiers within the functional experts are significant at gaining an understanding of the organization and the different roles that come about in the wake of changes and amendment happening from time to time. The benefits of the functional experts would in terms of providing value to the investors, customers and employees in essence. As far as the strategic partner is concerned, this helps in facilitating and coordinating strategies which benefit the employees and indeed the organization in the long run. It makes the tasks of all people easier without a doubt. The management reaps the dividends under such quarters because the processes play their significant role at benefiting the people at large. The strategic partner tries to integrate the different sectors within the business domains to make sure that there is a smooth operational regime in place. The strategic partner links up with the tasks with the resources which are available at their disposal and make sure that all the anomalies are taken care of without any hindrances. The strategic partner has always been an important element of any organization as its role is undoubted and there seem to be no issues which engulf their respective selves.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

The Attributes Of The Nurse Leadership Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The Attributes Of The Nurse Leadership - Essay Example I have grown with my self-knowledge and this growth emanated from m interaction with other people. As a nurse, there was always the need to mingle with other officers to work together and in some cases take instructions from them. As all these interactions took place, there were avenues through which I easily pointed to some of my weaknesses and strengths and these generally make up for my self-knowledge. The lessons and topics have also gone a long way to teach me about differences in personalities and this has spiced up my self-knowledge. The class sections have really helped in shaping my interpersonal relationship with others. Before, I was the type who believed so much in my personhood and thus had very little time to pay attention to who other people were and what they did. Today, I have come to accept the need for social integration and the basic requirements for this; which includes the need to open up to other people and give them the chance to also express themselves freely. This has however not defeated the need for me to continue to be an active communicator instead of a passive one. As the topic areas in this course of leadership proofs to be more and beneficial to my studies and career as a nurse, it is important that I seek an avenue to continue to learn more topics regarding leadership. In this direction, some key topics I have penned down include but not limited to The knowledge they say is not vested in the head of one person alone. For this reason, I constantly feel the need to learn from other people to equip what I already know and have. For this reason, I pay particular attention to the attributes of other nurses and learn a lot from them during interactions with them. I am never shy to ask questions for clarity and ask for my mistakes to be corrected. Through such means, I am hoping to be a perfect nurse in the nearest future.